For intimate services, please shower/clean up before your appointment if possible.
Your hair should be ¼ inch long or longer (longer than a grain of rice, if the visual helps) for the best results. Shorter hairs will not only be difficult to nearly impossible to remove, it will also make the service far more uncomfortable for you. DO NOT SHAVE before your appointment.
20 minutes before your appointment, you can take an ibuprofen to help ease some potential discomfort.
DO NOT drink caffeine or alcohol before your appointment as they are very dehydrating and can make your wax feel more painful.
DO NOT use numbing creams before your appointment as they tend to be very greasy and will make the area harder to wax.
Yes! As long as you are wearing a tampon or a menstrual cup during the service. Please note that you will feel more sensitive if you wax during this time.
Yes. Please keep in mind you may be more sensitive during this time.
Presently, I do not, unfortunately, however, I can absolutely provide a bikini line, deep bikini line, between the cheeks or full butt. I will notify everyone when the Brazilian becomes available.
The best way to get rid of ingrown hairs is a strict skin care routine—exfoliating every 2-3 days, treating the affected area, and moisturizing with a film-free product every day. As tempting as it may be, DO NOT TRY TO POP OR PICK AT THEM to avoid discoloration and damage to the skin.
Sunburn, laser hair removal, HSV (I and II), communicable diseases/infections.
If you are using the following prescriptions, you should not wax. Stop use of these prescriptions for at least 3 months preceding waxing. One exception is Accutane; you should be off this medicine for at least one 1 year before returning to waxing.
Accutane (Acne prescription)
Adapalene (Acne prescription)
Alustra (Retin A)
Avage (Acne prescription)
Avita (Retin A)
Azelex (Peeling operator)
Clindamycin Differin (Acne prescription)
Isotretinoin (like Accutane)
Renova (Retin A)
Retin An (Acne and Anti-maturing drug)
Tazarac (Acne drug)
Tazarotene (Tazorac)
Antibiotic medication
Tretinoin (Retin A)
PLEASE be honest when filling out your intake form. Failure to do so puts both of us at risk.